Hey folks,
So I was asked this question recently, "what's your blog for", and it got me thinking. I've been able to write my thoughts online for a long time, first via a very old Tripod website, then on Live Journal and now here. Being able to write out my thoughts has been something that's been very healthy for me mentally and a great aid to thinking through whatever I might be going through in life. As an introvert I find it especially helpful because I end up energized after making my thoughts more clean and dedicating them to a file or written page, rather than rolling around in my head. It's helped me when I'm in some of my deeper bouts with depression as it allowed me to pour out my worries, share my fears, and simply let people know what's going on in my life, even when it's not happy stuff.
Sometimes it's easier to write out my thoughts than say them to another person because I can be more articulate and can talk to many people at once without wearying myself as I would if I tried to do the same thing in person! And even when I didn't write online (in college mostly), I wrote in a notebook often, and am still in the habit of carrying a little notebook with me. I don't think my cell phone note taking will ever replace it. Especially knowing I'll be able to remember things better when I write by hand since it engages more parts of the brain at once, making better memories of what was written.
However this blog started as a way to document and share art processes as I was trying to get a Kickstarter campaign going to fund a body of artwork. It failed to work out, but the blog stuck, and I've slowly changed it from talking about art to more of my life. I realized some friends I don't talk to as often and even my family members now that we live further away from each other like hearing what's happening in my life, and this blog filled that need. It's become more multimedia over time, and in some ways becomes its own art form, since writing is after all just another of the arts.
Now this blog is also about ways of sharing my interests i.e. books, fashion, travel, and social issues. Something like a plus size capsule wardrobe is unique enough that I might even get to help some people as the make their own, similarly ethical fashion in plus size is hard to find too. And then I might go make a DIY chalkboard tutorial or post a family recipe for chili . It makes for very eclectic reading, but those of you who have met me know just how that word suits me. I hope I strike a balance that keeps you all interested, you're welcome to holler at me if you want more of something I haven't mentioned in a while too! Overall I sincerely hope my many interests will be a good influence on my readers and help me meet others from a variety of backgrounds too.
In some way blogging is like a having a superpower. I'm just starting to realize how powerful it can be, which is both odd and enlightening to someone who'd not used to seeking the spotlight actively for most of her life. I'm not even sure I'm seeking it now, at least not so much for myself. Because, here's the thing, friends, if I ever become that loud annoying person I would hate myself. I just want to start some conversations and share what knowledge I have that might be useful. So my superpower is hopefully one I can share with all of you as I open up a safe place for discussion and help bring in wonderful individuals to engage with.
And for now I'll just keep writing and trying to remember that "With great power there must also come great responsibility" (Stan Lee). The responsibility to write regularly and continue overcoming the depression that tells me to do otherwise. So Wednesday I'll be back again, and hope you'll join me. Til then!
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