Love, Lydia - Notes from a geeky, plus sized artist.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Japan Crate Unboxing

Hello folks,

Today I'm sharing my unboxing of a new subscription box I'm trying called Japan Crate!  Bryan and I figured we'd try one month and see how we liked it.  They send out a mini, original, or premium sized box of Japanese snack to your door each month.  Ready for the delicious results?

Japan Crate

 Step one, receive box
Inside treats are tightly packed!

There's also a booklet with information on Japanese culture, a manga (not going to spoil the storyline by putting it in here, but it's really cute!), and guide to the contents of the box.

Here are all the snacks, so you can get an idea of what's in the premium box.  It's a ton!  Bryan and I would share an item or two each night and we rushed it a little because I was so excited about writing it and finished in about a week.  If you're single or not sharing it might last a lot longer!

There was also another cute item in its own little ball, an adorable "Food Dog Gashapon"  This little Boston Terrier looks like he's stuck inside some French toast!  And the example pup in the guide was a Jack Russell inside a sandwich. 

On to the Snacks!

Chocolate Mini Pancakes - This item was included in all three boxes, mini through premium.  Apparently Japanese people like a red bean version of filling, but I'm happy with the chocolate myself!  The pancakes were a bit spongy and the filling almost like the jelly balls you can sometimes get to go in bubble tea.  I feel like these are their version of our gummy burgers and other novelties in some ways.  Now for our ratings:

Bryan ***1/2
Lydia ****

Rum Raisin Soft Candy - Again this was an item included in all three box sizes.  These candies were creamy and surprisingly good in flavor.  They reminded us a little of Mentos when it came to the texture.  We really liked them, and want to try more.
Bryan ****1/2
Lydia ****

Grape Gummy Ribbon - These were included in the original and premium crates.  Inside the bag are the individually wrapped candies that can be pulled apart, though we didn't bother trying.  They have a less gummy feel, and kind of felt like gum, but instead of staying solid as you chewed it broke down some, so you won't mistake it for gum.  I really liked the grape flavor, but found the texture a little weird.
Bryan ***1/2
Lydia ***1/2

Poifull Soda Beans - These were in the original and premium crates.  They're jelly beans in Japanese soda flavors including cola, ramune, lemon squash, and cider.  The flavors were pretty good and even had a bit of fizz to them.
Bryan ***1/2
Lydia ***1/2

Chitto Soda DIY - This little kit allowed you to make your own ramune soda flavored mochi.  It was included in the original and premium boxes.  In the end you get a creation that's a cross between gummy candy and jello, which Bryan was less a fan of because he doesn't care for jello much.  It was fun to make, though at first I was a little nervous that I might mess it up.  I really liked the main pink part, but the blue glaze applied at the end was just ok.  I loved the flavor though!  There a couple more pictures below, with the finished version in the second shot.
Bryan **1/2
Lydia ****

Sour Fruit Gummies - These gummies were only in the premium box.  The flavor of these was good, but pretty typical, grape, peach, apple and orange.  I thought they were a little too chewy, but Bryan really enjoyed them.  They weren't very sour, just a little.
Bryan ***
Lydia **

Rich Cheese Scones - These are pretty much Cheetos, but with a sweeter creamy taste.  They came in the original and premium size boxes.  I thought they were good, and Bryan is less a fan of Cheetos overall, but liked the flavor so our ratings were:
Bryan ***
Lydia ***1/2

Gyutan Umaibo Stick - We got three of these corn sticks in our box, and they came in all the box sizes.  They're cow tongue flavored, which Bryan immediately thought was gross.  I was more openminded about them because I has some delicious cow tongue tacos while in Mexico a couple years ago because my friend Michael told me had tongue normally back in Australia where he was from and I'd like it.  I did, but this version not so much.  Bryan and I both thought they were overly spiced and Funyun like.  The smell seemed really strong to me, and it tended to linger.
Bryan *
Lydia *

Tohato Caramel Corn - These snacks were in all three box sizes.  They also had a texture like Cheetos, but a good caramel popcorn like flavor that was free of hulls.  They were supposed to be a peanut version, but there were only 5 actual nuts in our bag.  I enjoyed the flavor and so did Bryan, though again the texture was less to his liking.
Bryan ***
Lydia ****

Bireley's Orange  - Only the premium box includes a beverage, and this orange drink is what I got.  Bireley's was originally an American brand but took off when brought to Japan, and that's now the only place you can find it!  I really enjoyed this, it had a true orange juice flavor, but was less acidic and a little less intense.  It's not carbonated at all.  Bryan is less a fan of orange juice, hence his rating.
Bryan ***
Lydia ***1/2

Mysterious Soda Balls - This was another premium only item.  They felt like Skittles in terms of texture, but came in soda flavors - cola, pink lemonade, cider, grape, melon, lemon squash, and Calpis.  (Calpis is a milky, uncarbonated beverage that has a touch os acidic tang, a little like yogurt)  I thought some of the flavors were good and didn't like others as well.  My favorites with the Calpis, melon, pink lemonade, and lemon squash.
Bryan ***
Lydia ****

Vitamin C Lemon Drops - At first I thought I might like these, Bryan had figured he probably wouldn't because he's not very fond of citrus flavors.  However, I noted on the label that there's no actual sugar in them, just aspartame, which I tend to be sensitive to.  When we tried them they had a touch of menthol like buzz, but I found the aspartame overwhelming.  Bryan said he might have liked them in another flavor.
Bryan **
Lydia *

Overall I was really happy with this box, and would like to keep getting it.  Though we're on a tight budget right now, so it might be cut for a little while.  Hope you liked this review, and if you know of a subscription box you think I'd like or you'd like to see me review let me know in the comments below!


Monday, October 12, 2015

Update and Geek Tag

Hello everyone,

The week has been crazy and I'm a little behind on everything.  Sorry about that, however, I can say confidently that I've not been dealing with my normal levels if stress for many reasons.  First off I had to make a tough decision about the trip to Texas for one of my best friend's wedding, which I now won't be going at all on.  Then we got some really bad financial news, which isn't our fault, but is going to make our life hard for a while if we can't get it cleared up.  The state is wrongfully claiming we owe them taxes, and after delivering paperwork all summer including filing taxes for a year Bryan was without income besides school funds to prove it, we thought they were finally satisfied.   I suppose they forgot to dismiss the case and sent notice this week that they're garnishing Bryan's wages.  Which really stinks since we just started having to pay double the amount on student loan payments and were stretched thin from that, which resulted in canceling the Texas trip.  Lastly one of Bryan's aunts passed away over the weekend, which was rather unexpected, but due to late stage cancer that we just found out about this week.

But I'm here today for a geek tag from the Geeks and Beauties group I joined recently on Google+.  Questions and answers about fun things in geeky theme.  You can check out some of the videos from the folks who've done it already here and here.

Geek Tag!

1. First Fictional Character Crush.  This is a tough one, but probably Connor from Wren To The Rescue, I've read so many books it's hard to think which might have been first.

2. Dungeons and Dragons or Vampire The Masquerade? I want to simply change this question to "What tabletop role play system do you prefer?" and answer it with Hackmaster New since I've more experiences with alternative systems.

3. Geekiest Item You Own.  LEGOs....I own a bunch of them after working for the Columbus, Ohio store while in college.  It was awesome.  Plus Bryan and I have added to our collection since then.

4. Anne Rice or Stephanie Meyer?  Anne Rice is on my to read list, but hasn't happened yet, so I guess I default to Meyer for now.  *shrugs*

5. First Dr. Who Episode.  Love and Monsters, I caught it the night it was aired in the dorm lounge.  I didn't come back to Doctor Who for a couple more years, possibly partially having to do with the cheesiness of that episode.

6. Star wars or Star Trek?  Both, though Trek wins for being more inclusionary for women and minorities.

7. All Time Favorite Movie.  Amelie, or Pan's Labyrinth, or maybe Hot Fuzz depending on the day.

8. Best Xmas Gift Ever?  Last year hubby and I got a 3DSXL and I love it, so does he.

9. Your Theme Song - Everything by Watashi Wa

10. Name a Perfect Geek Night Out.  For my husband and I this is probably a double date with his brother Davey and fiancee Keri where we go out to dinner and a sci fi movie or to a book trivia program at a local library (we might try a pub trivia thing someday!)

11. If money was no object what would you cosplay?  Bee from Bee and Puppycat

12. Absolute must have book or series?  Harry Potter

13. First Video Game you Played; How old were you?  Well, I know I played Pac Man and Galaga when I was probably 8 on arcade machines with my dad.  As for console games we got an original Nintendo when I was 11 and I started with the classic Duck Hunt/Super Mario Bros.
Image from

14. Batman Vs Superman - Batman

15. Alien vs predator - *shrugs*  This fandom isn't really my thing

16. Favorite tv show - Favorite that's currently on TV would be Heroes Reborn, my favorite overall is probably Doctor Who (yes I am dissing Moffat here)

17. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?  Well, I like the world from Harry Potter better, but Tolkien writes so elegantly.  I still have to go with Harry Potter though.

18. Geekiest Thing to your left.  Take your pick, Japanese candy, the bluetooth shutter remote button (photo nerd!), my "Pokedex" checklist and Pokemon tokens from our tabletop role play game, and the Ravenclaw planner.

19. First video game system you owned?  Well, I shared the Nintendo with my brother, but it wasn't much after that I got a Gameboy Color and Pokemon Blue.

20. Favorite Villain of all time? Loki, though I also really enjoy Harley Quinn.

Feel free to respond with your own geek tag!  I tag you all!
