Love, Lydia - Notes from a geeky, plus sized artist.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I am a Nerd

Hi everyone,

I have a confession to make, I am a nerd, or maybe you'd call it a geek, either way it's about the same.  I love things that are boring to other folks and though I haven't talked about it much here I am unashamed in my passion for them.  I just thought it was time to say that here too.

Today Bryan and I had a conversation about how a being would theoretically evolve with two hearts and how those hearts would function. Many animals with multiple hearts probably had them evolve along with gills.  Would one control blood flow to the left side of the body and the other the right?  If so when a heart failed the individual might lose a leg and arm, but still go on living.  Perhaps the second heart was there to give the individual more energy reserve for purposes of something like the regenerative abilities.  #TimeLords #Centaurii #Science?

We recently discussed how a roleplay system we really enjoy (Hackmaster New) has neglected to introduce information for all the various cleric faiths they promised in the rulebook.  We want to play another campaign, but we may have to adapt the information we have to make something new.  Since we have the opportunity we can put a trinity of gods in place, perhaps sun, moon, and star/void and use that instead of the usual alignments.  Add in another element to craft them by classifying the themes into color families to mimic the values of Magic the Gathering's colors to create the flavor of each cleric's personality.  I have a feeling everyone in the party may be itching to play a cleric character.

We play with ideas like these often, when we're not playing games of Civilization V together, or gathering with brothers for Pokemon roleplay nights (yes we pretend we're trainers, trying to be the very best), or over at Bryan's parents for Sci Fi Night, making art about time travel, going to a LEGO convention, talking physics with Davey, or history with each other, meeting with comic book discussion groups, and playing Brain Dots on our phones in bed together when we should be trying to sleep.

As a result my personal fashion is more Felicia Day than Coco Chanel, though I do love some vintage style.  It may just be influenced by the 1950s as well as steampunk Victorian worlds.  I end up being so eclectic, and I hope I can make that work in a more minimalist way.  It's taking some time to put things together for my fall capsule wardrobe, but I'm excited to see what happens.  And I'll finally have managed to go through all my clothes and can actually go sell stuff (I've been putting this off for the summer) and donate slightly more loved items.

So this is just a bit of my personal love letter to all the geeks out there, and there's probably more where this same from.  For now I'll wait until Wednesday to share more, when I'll be back with another installment of graphic novel reviews.  See you then!


Friday, August 21, 2015

"What has It Got in Its Pocketses?"

Hi folks,

So today I've got just one outfit for you and the fun of seeing what's in my bag.  The only thing missing is my phone, which I used to take the picture!

Wallet (from Target a couple years ago with money, cards, and coupons inside)

Notebook (Fabriano brand with dotted instead of lined paper, where I keep my notes plus sketches)

A pen or mechanical pencil are always with me

Keychain (keys, Oregon keyring, Happy Meal toy Bratz legs, and a little Swiss Army Knife with scissors, pen, LED light, screwdriver, knife, and nail file all on my Columbus College of Art and Design lanyard I've been using since freshmen year)

At least two lip products.  (The ones in this shot are Starlooks Lip Gloss in Guilty Pleasure, Nyx Butter Lip Balm in Red Velvet, Naked Lips Organic Lip Balm in Peppermint, and Jane Iredale Just Kissed Lip & Cheek Stain in Forever Pink.)

Some kind of mints that aren't mint flavored (Bryan doesn't like mint flavors) Strawberry Tic Tacs and Choward's Violet Mints (weird but great)

Headache and allergy meds (I use Goody's Pain Powders mostly)

A sharpie (random)

Coke or Sprite caps (random, but not unusual since I use the codes for gift cards and movie tickets)

A piece of scrap paper with post office info since we're still trying to clear up some issues with out mail service. (le sigh)

Coins turned into magnets as a project.  I only realized today that I can take them out and put them up since we're done moving.

And lastly photo gear - an Olloclip fisheye, micro, macro lens set, and also I'm going to start carrying my new Joby Gorillapod tripod for phone pictures. (shown below)

What do you carry with you everyday?

And finally the promised outfit from our recent poetry slam date night, taken by Bryan while we were on UNC Chapel Hill's campus for the slam (won by our housemate DJ with a love poem!):
bag - Rosetti via TJMaxx, kimono - ASOS, gold leaf necklace - Pick Your Plum, top - Kmart, skirt - Catos, sneakers - Converse via Macy's

And yes, the quote used for the title of the post is straight from The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien.  Thanks for stopping by, and be sure to show me what's in your pockets in the comments.
